Saturday, November 28, 2009

DISHed out!

I got to see Angel today. She stopped by to see me a while. We never see each other anymore.
I waited all day on DIsH Network to come install and the never showed up so I called and they said the only appointment I had was the 22nd. I called yesterday and talked to 2 women. They set the appointment for today but never entered it. SO, I got ugly with the lady. She said we can reschedule and I told her she had lost her mind; I want to cancel. She asked me to hold on and I said HOLD ON FOR WHAT? I've been holding for over a week. She said so we can get the order changed so you won't be billed. I said BILLED FOR WHAT? FOR WAITING ON SOMETHING THAT NEVER HAPPENED? I'm not holding on, you can do what you need to do without me on the phone so Have a nice day! and I hung up on her. That really made me angry. Last weekend, a technician pulled into the driveway at 8 AM, sat there for a few minutes and left. He never came back. I never heard from anyone so I called them Friday. Boy, they have communication issues. Glad I'm stuck with DirecTV afterall.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Missing people, trying new things

Wow it is been a while since anything has been written, hasn't it? Well, if you didn't already know, you can now purchase your Avon products from me. If you haven't gotten a book or an invitation to view my site, let me know and I will give one or the other.
Just wanted to say that I sure have been missing my granny and daddy alot lately. I miss my mom too but at least I can see her when I want to.
It's late so I can't stay up to write much. Bedtime was actually an hour ago but just haven't made it to bed yet. Most of my thoughts went on paper so there's no point in rewriting, I don't reckon.
Goodnight. Sorry this post didn't really consist of much. At least it's something. Something is better than nothing. Right?