Sunday, June 19, 2016

MY Thoughts

Lesson today: my thoughts are simply that...MY thoughts. Nobody else cares to hear them. My ideas about what I should do with my life are obviously just my ideas. Talk of going back to school for nursing sounds absurd for some unknown reason. I shouldn't think about nursing school or applying for jobs online or anything else other than taking my little happy self into buildings all over town to apply in person for any job other than retail or doctors offices. Retail isn't good enough for me and doctors offices must be out of my capability. Maybe I should find out how to apply for dressing corpses or cutting someone's hair. Maybe I just need someone else to be me until the job is found so I don't look for it incorrectly or screw up the interview. I'm not already stressed enough with the thought of not having work. Pile more crap on that plate please, and while you're at it, pour me a tall glass of toilet water to wash it down with. Thanks.


Unknown said...

I feel the exact same way,well except for the dressing corpse part. How do we get past this?? I have prayed,prayed,and prayed.Done the applications,ground work and in the end it seems im not good enough. Then i thought well god wants me to be content with what im doing
Then im like really?? Nooo, he doesnt want me unhappy.Robin i believe and feel that God has big things for us both. Everyday i wake up and either feel closer or futher away. Love you bestie!

NiborNosnibor said...

Aww. You're so sweet. I love you too! Yes, I know everything's going to work out, it's just the whole process is overwhelming and seems like nothings good enough sometimes.

Unknown said...

Yea i have just been where you are for 5 years. It tends to get old.